A Truly English Voice

Website Strategy & Design

Client: Kate Whelan Voice Actor

Project elements:

Project Goals

Kate was experiencing problems with her previous web designer and hosting providers. She was unsure how to access, control or recover her website, domains and emails and wasn’t happy with how her website build was progressing. I helped recover access to her accounts and migrate to a new provider. 

I designed and built Kate a new site that she has full control of. I included 1-2-1 training so she now has the confidence and skills to update demo reels and other areas of her website.


  • Website content strategy
  • Website design and build
  • Migrate hosting, domains and email to a new provider
  • Design a new website based on an existing colour palette and logo
  • Advise on website structure and content
  • SEO setup
  • Analytics setup
  • 1-2-1 training to enable Kate to update her site
Website home page of voice over Kate designed by Helen Bee from B Double E.
Kate voice website

In Kate's words

How did you feel before we started working together?

“I was in a tricky situation with a previous designer and had no control over what was going on with the hosting. I had no clue as to how my previous site was being managed and I didn’t have any confidence in the way my new site was evolving. Helen saved the day!”

How did you feel after the project was finished?

“I am delighted with the result and I have control of my website back.”

Kate voice website
Kate voice website
Kate voice website

In Kate's words

What was it like working with me?

“It was a very different way of working to how I had been used to in the past, where I had been led to think that web designers pretty much take everything out of your hands, and then don’t meet your expectations or deadlines. This is a much better way of working that has given me control and structure over my business website.”

What would you say to someone considering working with me?

“Definitely do it!”

Kate voice website
Kate voice website
Kate voice website
kate voice website
Kate voice website
Kate voice website