Events coming soon!

Webinars, workshops, socials, conferences and more

Helen and Rob organise and attend a variety of events throughout the year. This is where you can find us and you’re welcome to join us!

pint and rabbit events page
The pint and rabbit illustration of a pub style sign on a sky blue background.


Pint and Rabbit

Bring a beverage of your choice and join us for an end-of-week catch-up in our virtual pub.

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De-breathing – the secrets of creating natural sounding audio.

Clients need natural sounding audio, but audio processing can make our breaths intrusive and loud. In this webinar we’ll learn how to deal with breaths so the audio still sounds great even after compression.

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One Voice USA

This year we’re not just heading to One Voice UK, we’re heading to Dallas too!

We are sponsoring and speaking and will be at the whole conference.

More details on the OVC website.

Photo of Helen & Rob Bee on a bright yellow and pink background with text saying 'ask us anything!'.


Ask Us Anything!

Our regular FREE session to quiz, question, grill and enquire. Or just sit and listen to questionsthrown at us from other people.

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Virtual Conference


eVOcation is the world’s only virtual conference devoted to the business of voiceover. Hosted by Carin Gilfry and Jamie Muffett.

We’ll both be online at the conference. Rob is holding studio surgeries, and Helen is holding brand and website surgeries. Free to anyone at the conference. More details to be announced nearer the event.

The pint and rabbit illustration of a pub style sign on a sky blue background.


Pint and Rabbit

Bring a beverage of your choice and join us for an end-of-week catch-up in our virtual pub.

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VO Social Manchester

It’s time for The Voiceover Social Manchester meet-up. Come along and chat to fellow voiceover industry people. It’s free and open to everyone who works in the voice industry. We’ve got our own room, our own bar-person and (if you want) you can bring your dog along too.

You don’t need to get a ticket – just turn up on the day. We’ll see you at the bar!

Photo of Helen & Rob Bee on a bright yellow and pink background with text saying 'ask us anything!'.


Ask Us Anything!

Our regular FREE session to quiz, question, grill and enquire. Or just sit and listen to questionsthrown at us from other people.

The pint and rabbit illustration of a pub style sign on a sky blue background.


Pint and Rabbit

Bring a beverage of your choice and join us for an end-of-week catch-up in our virtual pub.

Photo of Helen & Rob Bee on a bright yellow and pink background with text saying 'ask us anything!'.


Ask Us Anything!

Our regular FREE session to quiz, question, grill and enquire. Or just sit and listen to questionsthrown at us from other people.

The pint and rabbit illustration of a pub style sign on a sky blue background.


Pint and Rabbit

Bring a beverage of your choice and join us for an end-of-week catch-up in our virtual pub.

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VO Social Manchester

It’s time for The Voiceover Social Manchester meet-up. Come along and chat to fellow voiceover industry people. It’s free and open to everyone who works in the voice industry. We’ve got our own room, our own bar-person and (if you want) you can bring your dog along too.

You don’t need to get a ticket – just turn up on the day. We’ll see you at the bar!

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Pint and Rabbit

It’s time for our Christmas party!

Bring a beverage of your choice and join us for an end-of-week catch-up in our virtual pub.

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The Great Big Voiceover Social

The Great Big Voiceover Social is coming soon! We’ve got the date, we’re finalising the venue details and tickets will be on sale soon.

More details coming soon!

To get new events and social dates in your inbox, subscribe to our newsletter.

Events coming soon but no dates just yet!

Rob Bee from B Double E holding a laptop that says 'Izotope RX11 webinar'. The background is green with abstract soundwave patterns.


Izotope RX11

The basics, more advanced bits, the new bits, the why’s and the how’s.

Rob’s webinar will show you how to remove mouth clicks, clean up your audio and be confident you’re producing the very best quality audio for your clients.

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Invisible to Invincible

Marketing magic for voiceovers!

An 8-week programme online to uncover what makes you unique and shows you how to tell the world about it too.

Rob Bee from B Double E holding an A3 landscape poster that says "equalisation for voiceovers webinar". The background shows bright EQ monitor lights on a black background.


Equalisation for Voiceovers

Equalisation is a powerful tool. It has many uses in the studio and knowing how and when to use it can elevate our production skills like little else. So let’s have a look at equalisation and de-mystify it.

Rob Bee from B Double E holding a laptop that says 'compression for voice overs webinar'.


Compression for Voiceovers

Take your production to the next level!

Audio compression is universally used to control the mix levels and make things sound tighter, polished and louder. We will look at:

  • what compression does
  • how to apply it to voice recordings
  • why you should always use compression
  • compressors found in common DAWs and editors.
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Routing your Audio

If no one’s told you how to get audio from A to B how are you supposed to know how to do it?

In this webinar Rob will take a look at a few different common voiceover studio setups and explain the best way to plug everything in to allow everyone to hear what they need to.

Routing isn’t sexy. But it’s necessary.

Rob Bee holding a sign that says 'Adobe Audition basics webinar'


Adobe Audition: Basics

Adobe Audition is very widely used for voiceover recording and editing. Come and learn the basics and see why it’s such a popular choice for voice over artists.

Audition is a very powerful program and its feature richness meets virtually all the needs of the voiceover community. In this webinar we’ll tackle the basics and help you get up and running with basic production and editing techniques, speeding up your workflow and increasing your confidence.

Rob Bee holding a sign that says 'Adobe Audition Advanced webinar'


Adobe Audition: Advanced

Take your Adobe Audition usage to the next level! Adobe Audition is a very feature-rich program. Rob will show you some of those advanced features, and help you get the most out of your subscription to this fantastic program.

Perfect for anyone already using Adobe Audition who want to know a few more tricks and tips or people who have done the Basics webinar.

Photos from some of the events we've been to...