Crawley Voice Studio

Brand Strategy & Design • Social Templates

Client: Crawley Voice Studio Melanie Crawley – Actor and Voiceover

Project elements:

Project Goals

Melanie was unsure how to brand and market her voice and acting work. She wanted to develop a professional online presence that helped her stand out in a very crowded market.

Melanie’s new bright and bold branding reflects her personality and has given her confidence and strategies to better market her services to her ideal clients.


  • Branding strategy and design
  • Bespoke logo design
  • Bespoke brand pattern
  • Brand guidelines showing how to use branding confidently, effectively and consistently
  • Brand, website, photography and pattern mood boards and style guides
  • Social media banners
  • Social media templates
crawley voice brand board
Crawley Voice Studio brand logos
Crawley Voice Studio social media templates

In Melanie's words

How did you feel before we started working together?

“I felt my online presence needed professionalising. I was concerned about the two strands of freelance work I was developing and wanted to look at how to tackle that. I was and still am mindful that I’m working in a crowded marketplace that is getting more crowded and felt the need to stand out and try some specific business strategies to help.”

How did you feel after the project was finished?

“I’m very pleased I did it and feel like I have a box of jewels I’m waiting for the right event to wear them!”

Crawley Voice Studio branding board
Crawley Voice Studio brand voice and photography

In Melanie's words

What results did you see after we worked together?

“I now have a sophisticated visual identity and your processes helped me choose a new business name. It’s given me the confidence to split off my voice work from my acting and pursuing a specific online marketing strategy for both areas of my work.”

What would you say to someone considering working with me?

“Do it! And if they are a voice artist or actor I’d specifically recommend you as you know the industry.”

Crawley Voice Studio branding guidelines
Crawley Voice Studio brand website
Crawley Voice Studio brand
Crawley Voice Studio brand typography