Emma Clarke

Website Strategy • Website Complete Plan

Client: Emma Clarke Voiceover, Writer and Composer

Project Goals

Emma’s website had grown since she first had it built. With lots of pages added over time, the structure and content had become confused and this was negatively impacting her site visibility and analytics.

My mission was to bring order to the site to improve organic search reach and improve her visitor stats.


  • Website strategy
  • Website content and performance review
  • New website structure
  • Old or unused pages removed, re-directs setup
  • SEO guidance for HTags, meta data and Google Search Console
Emma Clarke voice actor website menu on a laptop on a marble table.

In Emma's words

How did you feel before we started working together?

“Bit embarrassed that my website was a bit rubbish.”

How did you feel after the project was finished?

“MUCH more confident! I think it’ll go through endless iterations as what I offer to customers changes and develops.”

Emma Clarke voice actor website structure on an ipad.