Voiceover Websites

Thoughtfully crafted voice over websites designed to showcase you!

Packed with personality, they look great, work well and are easy to update too.

Having a voice over website is vital to promote what you do. You should feel proud of your website and want to share it at every possible opportunity, feeling confident your site shows off your voicing skills and represents you in the best possible way. And – most importantly – books you more work!

Do you feel nervous or uneasy sharing your website with potential clients?

Do you worry what new clients will think of you because of your website? Are you concerned you’ll come across as amateur or unprofessional? Are you proud of your demos, but worry the rest of the site lets you down? Maybe you’re unsure clients will understand exactly what you do.

Are you comparing your site to other voice actor websites and worrying yours doesn’t stand out enough?

Do you compare your voiceover website to others and feel deflated or inferior? Maybe you worry about looking less professional than others, or that your website doesn’t show your voice skills like it could. The voice over market is a crowded one – sometimes it feels impossible to stand out in that busy crowd.

Do you want to increase the enquiries you’re getting?

You’re getting booked, but want to reach bigger, higher paying clients. Maybe you’re looking to increase your direct enquiries so you don’t have to rely on P2P sites. You could be starting out and want to launch with a bang – appealing to your dream clients or agents straight away.

Featured work

Alexia's home page for her voiceover services.
Silver VOX voiceover website home page.
keith webiste home full
Gibson Voice Over website design by Helen Bee from B Double E.

Do you know how you want your site to look, but you don’t have the time to build it yourself?

Do you feel restricted by your current site template or theme? Do you have better ways to spend your time than working out the techy build bits, which platform works best, or what plugin does what? And you don’t even want to start thinking about SEO, GDPR, CPPA, privacy laws and all that dull stuff. 

Do you want to work with someone who ‘gets’ the voiceover industry?

You don’t want to spend time explaining how jobs are cast or what agents want to see when they land on your site. Do you want someone who knows what a voice over does and understands the terminology?

Do you want a website YOU control and can update?

You don’t want to wait weeks every time you need to update a demo. And you certainly don’t want to have to pay a fee every time the smallest thing needs updating.

Your voice over website is your shop window

Your voiceover websites is a way for you to connect to clients and agents alike – essential to showcase what you can do. They are a place to shout about your specialisms, show off your showreels, share past work and most importantly, book you more work!

Many voice actors feel the pressure to do everything themselves. But it isn’t always the best use of your time and energy. Voicing is what you love – the more time you spend voicing the better. I can help by creating a site that helps you showcase your skills and gives you more time to do what you do best – voice!

I’ll do the techy stuff so you don’t have to!

Responsive design, easy navigation, fast load speed, good functionality, SEO, GPRP, CPPA blah, blah, blah… websites can easily start to feel technically overwhelming. I’ll take care of all of that for you.

I’ll train you to use your site (with a 1-2-1 recorded session) so you can update your site confidently, knowing you’re in control.

You’ll also get to join my FREE client-only community, so you’ll get support if you need it in the future.

However, if you don’t want to do everything yourself, I do have support packages available too. The choice is yours.

Featured work

Voiceover website design by Helen Bee from B Double E for James.
Voice over and actor website design by Helen Bee from B Double E.
stephen website homepage full
Voice artist website design by Helen Bee from B Double E for Liam.

Meet Helen

I help voiceovers to be seen.

I want you to have a website that makes you grin with pride – a site you’re excited about and can’t wait to show clients. One that reflects everything that makes you and your voice unique.

I help you do what you do best – VOICE – by building a beautiful website that functions well and showcases the very best of your voicing talent.

I’ve been working with voice artists on their branding and websites since 2015, and working on other websites and brands since the late ’90s (you can read more about me here).

Building a website as unique as your voice

Voices are not all the same and your website should reflect that too. My bespoke voiceover websites reflect your individuality in both how they look and how they function. I’ll take the time to get to know you, your voice work and your dreams for your career.

We’ll work together to create a look and feel that best represents you. One that talks to your dream agents and clients. I’ll build you a website you can’t wait to share with the world.

How does it work?

Every project is a little different as it’s tailored to you and your needs. I’ll give you a specific project plan before we start working together so you know exactly what to expect and when, but this is generally how things will work…

1. A little bit of homework

After you’ve signed your contract and first payment, I’ll send over some questions for you to answer. This is so I can really get to know you and your voiceover business. I’ll ask about the voicing you do, what work gets you excited and your dream clients. I’ll also ask about your current website (if you have one) – what’s working and what isn’t’.

2. The planning part

Together we’ll work out what really matters to your clients, defining what they want to do and making sure they can easily do it. I’ll put together a plan for your new site structure and some mood boards for look and feel. If you’ve already got branding, great – we’ll follow that. If not we will choose a colour pallet and fonts.

3. Content

Once we’ve got a structure, I’ll give you tips and advice on how to write the content for your site. You can choose to either write the copy yourself, or you can work with my copywriter (they work in the VO industry too). Either way, I’ll give you lots of tips and advice on writing content and there will be lots of opportunity to ask questions.

4. Site build

Once you’ve sent me your site content I’ll start to build your website. Every stage of the build is checked with you to make sure it’s looking and working how you want it to.

4. Go live & training

When your site is ready to go live, we’ll book a 1-2-1 training session. I’ll show you how to update and maintain your website. It’s recorded too so you’ve always got something to refer back to. You’ll also get to join my FREE client only Facebook group, where you can ask questions and get advice whenever you need it.

All sounds good?

What are you waiting for...

Let's get started!

Featured work

websites,voice over websites,voice over website,voiceover websites,voice actor websites,voice actor webste,voiceover website,voice artist website,voice actor website,voiceover website design
Website design by Helen Bee from B Double E for Rory Barnett Voiceover.
Sophie Dean Voiceover website design by Helen Bee from B Double E.
Helen Lloyd's website home page by Helen Bee from B Double E.

FOR YOU if you want...

NOT FOR YOU if you...

What's it like working with me?

I get it – if you’re thinking of investing in your website you want to make sure that you’re working with the right person. You’ll want to know how I work and what you’ll get at the end of a project. Unprompted, Sophie and Stephanie did just that. And you can read their own words here…

Read about Sophie’s brand and website project experience here >>>
Read about Stephanie’s brand project 
experience here >>>

I’ll guide you every step of the way

Whether you’re looking for a brand new website, or want to revamp an existing site, I can help.


Things look a little different here while I update my client portal and booking systems. Thank you for your patience while I update things, they will be live again very soon!

If you’d like to get in touch, head over to our CONTACT PAGE and you’ll find all my details.

Many thanks, Helen 

Frequently Asked Questions

What will I get at the end a website project?

Specifics do depend on which package you choose, but all my projects include:

  • Bespoke design unique to you
  • Structure and content advice
  • Design, colours and type included (or use your branding)
  • Demo player (mp3, downloadable, link to audible etc)
  • Video demos, image gallery, testimonials, client logos, contact form, social links
  • Drag and drop editor
  • SEO friendly, GDPR/CPPA ready
  • Responsive design (for mobile, widescreen and everything in between)
  • 1-2-1 training (recorded)
  • 1-2-1 support throughout the project
  • 1 month email support after go-live
  • Join Helen’s FREE client only community
Can you write my website copy?

The choice is yours. Either write it yourself, or add-on copywriting to your package.

I work with a copywriter who works in the voice industry so they know what your clients are after and all the right terminology. It’s an additional cost, but I will happily send you details when we chat about your project.

If you choose to write your own copy, I will advise best options for usability and SEO.

Do you provide hosting, domains and email?

Yes, I can provide hosting and help you to buy domains. Or I can recommend a trusted supplier that will help you get things set up quickly and easily. Or you can provide your own. Whichever suits you best.

Will you maintain my website once it is live?

That’s up to you.

I’ll show you how to update your website so you can make updates as often as you need to.

I also offer a range of ongoing maintenance and support packages so your site is always well looked after.

You will also have life-long FREE membership to my client-only group which has regular free FAQ sessions.

I already have a logo and colours, can we use those?

Absolutely! I’m always happy to use existing branding on your new website.

I will always check your provided colours pass online accessibility guidance. They may need slight adjustments, but we can find something very similar.

How long will it take to build my website?

That depends on how big your website is (how many pages) and how quickly you can provide all the content (copy, demos, images, videos etc). Smaller projects will take a few weeks, bigger ones can take a few months. When we chat about your project I’ll give you an expected timeline too so you know what to expect.

I want my site building on WIX or SquareSpace – can you do that?

My bespoke website packages are for WordPress with Elementor only. For help with your WIX, SquareSpace (or any other build), websites my Website Reviews, VIP Days or consultancy packages can help you.

I already have a website – can we still work together?

Absolutely, yes. Many of my website projects have started with an existing site.

It doesn’t matter where your current site is built – I’ll help you move things over to WordPress if needed and guide you through the whole process.

Can I keep my old website live while we build the new one?

Yes. I can build your new site on a temporary site area, so you can continue to send your old website to clients while we work on the new one.

When we put the new site live, there may be a few days when the site is down depending on what needs transferring – but I’ll give advice about how to minimise down time.

Do you offer payment plans?

Yes! I’ll discuss this with you to make sure it’s a payment plan that works for both of us, but usually people choose payment plans over 3 to 6 months.

Who will build my website? Do I get to work directly with you?

I (Helen Bee) will be your main contact throughout the whole project. I have a copywriter who may work with us (depending on your package) but it’s me that does all the planning, design and build. 

Past projects

If you want to see past examples of my work, have a look at my portfolio.

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