Rachel Esposti

Brand Strategy & Design • Website Strategy & Design

Client: Rachel Esposti Voiceover and Actor

Project elements:

Project Goals

Rachel Esposti is a voiceover and actor. She was unclear about how to market herself to potential clients and wanted a new brand, logo and website that reflected her values and work ethic.

I developed a brand that feels welcoming, trusted and reliable. Rachel wanted her brand to feel light, happy and relaxed. She didn’t want to be seen as formal, cold, flashy or boastful.

Her relatable, honest and hardworking attitude is now reflected in her positive, creative and playful feeling branding and website.


  • Branding strategy and design
  • Website content and performance review
  • Website design and build
  • Bespoke logo design
  • Bespoke brand pattern
  • Brand guidelines showing how to use branding confidently, effectively and consistently
  • Brand, website, photography and pattern mood boards and style guides
Voice over and actor website design by Helen Bee from B Double E.
Website for voiceover and actor Rachel Esposti shown on desktop, mobile, tablet and mobile phone..

In Rachel's words

How did you feel before we started working together?

“Generally a lack of direction and understanding in how to present my brand. Or even what my brand was!”

How did you feel after the project was finished?

“I feel like a complete brand. A brand that I understand and now I am able to market myself.”

Play Video about Screenshot from Rachel's website video tour.
Various logos designed by Helen Bee for voiceover and actor Rachel Esposti.
rachel esposti brand board
Website pages for voiceover and actor Rachel Esposti.

In Rachel's words

What would you say to someone considering working with me?

“If you are looking for someone with the magical ability of mind-reading, someone who can get to the very heart of your brand, vibe and energy (even if you’ve never considered these for yourself), someone who can take your jumbled thoughts and ideas and turn them into a website that delivers you to a T, then look no further than Helen.”

Website home page design for voiceover and actor Rachel Esposti.
Mood board and key word pages from voiceover and actor Rachel Esposti's brand guidelines.