The best part about the experience working with you was your readiness to suggest different approaches, examples and resources for me to adapt or be inspired by. I continue to find these helpful as references and inspiration.

Client: Dennis Lewis Voice Over Artist and Copywriter
Canada based Voice Over Artist and copywriter Dennis was looking for advice and guidance for his voice over website. He was already working with a website developer, but they lacked knowledge of the voice industry and came to me for support.
This 3-way collaboration project allowed me to help Dennis find ways to represent his voiceover brand. I gave suggestions and guidance for content and site structure based on his requirements and worked with his Developer to bring the site to live.
You can read about Dennis’s experience of working with me, just tap the button below.
“I felt frustrated and also uncertain about what I should be doing in order to get properly started as a voiceover. Specifically, I didn’t know what my brand identity should be as a voiceover.”
“I liked the fact that you listened carefully when I explained my evolving understanding of my particular voiceover brand and what I wanted for my website.
I feel that I now have a coherent brand identity which I will be able to grow into.”
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