The Blog

Rob and Helen are here to help you be seen and heard.

We write about all sorts of useful things to help your voicing career including home studio setup and maintenance, audio production kit and techniques, how to brand your business, website tips, SEO advice and more. You can filter articles by topic or scroll from the most recent.

So grab a cuppa and a biscuit and have a read…

OneVoice 2021 – the hybrid conference
Helen Bee

OneVoice 2021 – the hybrid conference

Earlier in the year were very excited to be asked to be a sponsor of the One Voice Conference in London again, and then later on we were both asked to do talks and lead workshops at the event.

The Wilderness Tonic Retreat
Helen Bee

The Wilderness Tonic Retreat

At the end of January I went on my first ever business retreat day. It was held at The Gathering in Edale, in the Peak

10 Ways to Improve Your Voiceover Website
Helen Bee

10 Ways to Improve Your Voiceover Website

As a voiceover artist your website is an essential tool. Here are ten ways you can improve your website to improve customer experience and boost your SEO ranking.

VOX 2019 sponsors
Helen Bee

VOX 2019

Well what a weekend it was! VOX 2019 was a jam-packed day with talks, networking, drinks, awards and lots of chatting. We had such fun!

one voice awards logo 2019
Helen Bee

One Voice Conference 2019

Well, what an amazing event the One Voice Conference 2019 was. It was fantastic to meet so many people at such a packed-full event. This