Brand Strategy & Design • Website Strategy & Design • Copywriting
Capturing and distilling my brand's mission was fundamental to - and one of the most vital aspects of - Helen's branding. Those words are bang on what I felt but couldn't articulate.
Almost immediately after launching my business with this new look I was booked on a large project after the client went to my website and listened to my demos.
I’m absolutely delighted. The branding is so on-point – it really reflects me and what I offer. I’m dead chuffed with it. It’s all been a thorough joy.
I’m working in a crowded marketplace need to stand out. Now I have all these great assets and feel like I have a box of jewels to wear! It’s given me confidence.
I feel liberated and much more confident. I can show up authentically and find my people. My brand feels true to me and I have a new sense of direction.